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Agent Plus Details

In addition to the unlimited listings that you can publish on the MLS, we also give you an Assistant account that will facilitate you to enter more listings. The Assistant account is able to enter all of the information for the listings but is not allowed to be the representative or point of contact for any listings. The control will always be in the hands of the broker/agent. 

Your listings will automatically be exported to the following networks and will updated every day with new changes. The listings may take 24-48 hours to first appear. Currently we have alliances with the following partners. Note: the duration of these alliances are susceptible to change and cannot be guaranteed. 

Your listings will also be published on our network of international websites:

Featured Listings in Newsletters are limited to twelve listings per year. The agent will be consulted to decide which listings to feature.

Exposure on Social Networks are limited to three campaigns across all networks per year. The agent will be consulted to decide which listings to feature.

Premier Listing Position is limited to one listing per month.The agent will be consulted to decide which listings to feature.

Buyer and Seller Referrals that arrive directly to the MLS-Ecuador staff will be sent to Plus agents in the appropriate region. This will include buyers that contact us for suggestions in a specific region as well as property owners who wish to publish their property on the MLS and are willing to work with an agent.